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01 kozo and gampi inner bark bundles
02 soaking kozo inner bark fiber
03 cooking the fiber in alkaline wood ash (soda ash)
04 rinsing and neutralizing the fiber
05 handbeating the fiber
06 handbeating the fiber with another type of beater
07 Tororo root soaking before extracting the natural mucilage used as a ‘formation aid’ for sheet forming
08 mashing the tororo root to extract the ‘formation aid’
09 mixing the beaten fiber and formation aid in vat
10 su-geta frame
11 forming the sheet using the su-geta
12 tossing off excess pulp during sheet formation
13 laying down the new sheet on the stack (post) of new sheets
14 removing the su leaving the new sheet on the post
15 pressing the water out of the post of fresh sheets