There will be a 2023 summer class in Japanese papermaking broken into two sessions, Introduction followed by Open Studio days. The open studio days will be open to past students who have taken Japanese Papermaking at Mary Ashton Studio. It will be on a daily rate. Watch this space for date and contact me for more information.
The Language of Making:A Celebration of Paper, Poetry and Printing.
Sunday, February 23, 2020 2:00 – 4:00
Ingrahm Hall, Room #100
Pacific Lutheran University
Tacoma, WA
Join Hand Papermaking and Puget Sound Book Artists for an afternoon celebration of poetry, paper, and printing. Michael Fallon will introduce Hand Papermaking’s programs and publications, Alta Price will speak about historic and contemporary watermarks, and Lisa Cirando will present Hand Papermaking’s portfolio series. Following a conversation between papermaker Mary Ashton and printer Jessica Spring exploring their collaboration on the latest annual broadside, the afternoon will culminate with a poetry reading by former Washington State Poet Laureate Kathleen Flenniken. Open House at the Elliott Press follows the presentation.
The Language of Making
Book Arts Guild & University of Washington Libraries
Monday, February 24, 2020 7:00 – 9:00pm
Special Collections, Classroom B069
Suzallo Library
Uniersity of Washington
Hand Papermaking’s latest annual broadside, “The Language of Making”, is the stunning result of Collaboration between three Pacific Northwest Creative spirits: poet Kathleen Flenniken, papermaker Mary Ashton and printer Jessica Spring. At this event, Mary Ashton will present a slideshow on the process of producing the pulp-painted papern and then be joined by Jessica and Kathleen in conversation with Alta Price about ow the broadside came together.
NWDC Currents 2020 – Exhibit and Symposium
March 5 – April 10, 2020 Opening reception March 5, 2020
March 5, 3:30-5pm, PANEL DISCUSSION
Shack Gallery
2921 Hoyt Ave., Everett, WA
NWDC Currents 2020 at Museo
March 7 – 30, 5-7pm Opening reception, March 7, 2020
Museo Gallery on Whidbey Island
215 First Street/PO Box 548
Langley, WA 98260
The Page and Beyond: the Book As Art
September 25 – November 10 Columbia City Gallery, Seattle, WA

May 2 – May 26
Northwind Arts Center, 701 Water Street, Port Townsend, WA
Opening Reception May 4 5:30 – 7:30
Artist Talks May 5 1:00pm
Ongoing shows

closing May 12
Transforming Knowledge: Altered Encyclopedias
February 1 – May 12 University of Puget Sound, Collins Memorial Library, Tacoma, WA
closing June 9
Open Sesame: The Magic of Artist’s Books Revealed
March 1 – June 9 Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, Winslow, WA
This is a look into the special world of Artist Books. This exhibition is co-curated by BIMA’s Founder, Cynthis Sears, Amy Goldthwaite (BIMA Curatorial Associate) and Catherine Alice Michaelis (Artist). Cynthia Sears notes that Artist’s Books are the “Trojan Horse of the art world…you don;t know exactly what is inside until it is revealed.”
October exhibits and a sale!!!!
Saturday, October 20 11 am to 5 pm
King’s Books, 218 St Helens Ave, Tacoma WA
Puget Sound Book Arts Guild annual celebration ofall things paper is happening again.

705 Pike St, Seattle, WA 98101
7am to 10pm daily
Sunday October 7 – Everyone is invited to:
Artists Opening Reception at 1:30
Curator Lloyd Herman’s presentation at 1:45
Surge, an exhibition designed to draw attention to climate change and its impact on Northwest’s coastal communities, provides the forum for artists together with environmental researchers and educators to present the public with new perspectives on issues such as flooding, sea level rise and storm surge. The relationships between scientists, artists, educators and community leaders have only strengthened since our first display of Surge, and public interest continues to build.
I have a piece, “Denial of Perfection” in the Tieton 10x10x10
The results are in! Celebrate the small with 10x10x10xTieton, an exhibition featuring works no larger than 10 in x 10 in x 10 in
Gallery hours: Friday, Saturday, & Sunday from 12 – 3pm
Opening Reception: Saturday, August 11, 2018 from 12 – 4pm
Presented by Tieton Arts & Humanities. 10x10x10xTieton is made possible through a gift from Doug and Laurie Kanyer.

Tieton Arts & Humanities is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.
Annual Members show June 4-July 27 opening June 7
May 2018 Kalamazoo Book Arts Illustrated Accordion exhibit
April 2018
Rexville Grange Art Show in Rexville Grange, Skagit
Papers, books and other items for sale to the public.
February to May 2018
1203 E Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles, WA www.pafac.org
My altered book, Japanese Rain, is in this show with many other innovative book artists.
PSBA Seventh Annual Members’ Exhibition, UPS Collins Library, Tacoma, Washington, June 1- July30, 2017

PLEASE NOTE the Opening Reception is on Thursday, June 8, 2017, 5:30 -7:30 p.m.
BallardWorks Exhibits “Big Dreams” May 18- June 9
Opening May 18 6:00pm-9:00pm, BallardWorks, 2856 NW Market St., Seattle 98107
BallardWorks May 2017 show is all about DREAMS – BIG DREAMS (large format). Sleeping dreams, daydreams, healing dreams, dark dreams, prophetic dreams, vivid dreams, recurring dreams, imaginings. I will have 4 framed prints and works on paper in this show.

Northwest Designer Craftsmen Show at Bellevue Community College
April 12-May 17
CO Gallery Space, D271 3000 Landerholm Circle SE, Bellevue, WA 98007 Next to Carlson Theater and above the library.

Fiber Fusion – Surface Design, Washington Travelling Show
The last venue of this show is at the Schack Gallery in Everett.
March 9 – April 16
Many regional pieces by SDA artists are added to the juried show.
Northwest Designer Craftsmen Show
at Vashon Island Arts Center, Koch Gallery. March 3- March 30


It is a busy year and I am pleased to have opportunities to show my work with other talented artists!
Paper Translations Kirkland Arts Center, Kirkland, WA
Opening September 16 6-8:30pm
September 17 – November 19

Four Seasons winter, spring, autumn and summer

Paper Transformed Vashon Allied Arts August 5 – August 25

PSBA Sixth Annual Members’ Exhibition, UPS Collins Library, Tacoma, Washington,
June 2 – July 30 , opening celebration June 9th

Fiber Fusion – Surface Design, Washington Travelling Show opening at Allied Arts Center – Gallery on the Park, Richland, WA. June 1- June 23 www.sdafiberfusionshow.org

BallardWorks Exhibits “Making a Statement”Saturday opening April 9th, 2016 6:00pm-9:00pm BallardWorks, 2856 NW Market St., Seattle 98107
“Making a Statement” exhibits Artwork and Artist Statements from Artist Trust EDGE graduates, 2013-2014. Participating artists: D.Lisa West, Andie Styner, Ellen Hochberg, Isobel Davis, Mary Ashton, Anita West, Susan Derrick, Louise Hankes, Kip Kania, Melissa Koch and John Webster. If you are not familiar with the term “artist statement” the following Is a definition by Ariane Goodwin, author of “Writing the Artist Statement.” “Like the art that it reflects, an artist statement uses its sincerity of purpose and its purity of intent to create a powerful word-reflection of the art and the artist.” Come and enjoy the art and the artist statements of this group and see if the statements accompanying the art cause you to see the art in a new light. Three floors of art studios and exhibition spaces open for the Art Walk Saturday, April 9th, 2016. Open 6:00-9:00 pm only. Families with kids welcome. Enter through the 1st or 2nd floor doors on 30th Avenue. Includes painting, wood working, sculpture, wearable fiber art, encaustics, print making and more, all under one roof. www.ballardworks.com.
Paper Trails Book Arts Festival 10/24/2015 – 11:00am to 5:00pm Come to our fourth annual Paper Trails Book Arts Festival! On view will be hand-made and hand-embellished papers, fine calligraphy, hand-made art books, letterpress items, origami, unique cards and gifts, and imaginative paper designs and fabrications! Meet local artists and view their wares! A make-and-take table offers hands-on projects for adults and kids! Paper Trails is produced by Tacoma Book Artists and sponsored by Tacoma Calligraphy Guild and Puget Sound Book Artists. http://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/papertrails
Rexville Grange Art Show Nov 13-15, 21-22. This is the Fall art show at the Rexville Grange in Skagit Valley near Laconner. The opening reception is on Friday November 13th. For directions and calendar click on link http://rexvillegrangeartshow.com/calendar/
NEAT SALE (North End Arts Tour) First Weekend in December 5,6 opening evening of December 4. Free, self-guided tour offers an exclusive glimpse of 7 artists’ homes and studios • Just minutes apart in North Seattle • Nearly 30 artists present on site to talk with you about their work • Purchase high quality locally handcrafted art for yourself or others from a wide range of media. Submit your passport stamped at all locations for a chance to win one of the gift cards from three of our sponsosrs (VIOS Ravenna, Third Place Books Ravenna or Metropolitan Market at 55th and 40th) ! www.neatseattle.com
Whidbey Working Artists Summer Open Studio Tour
August 29 & 30, 2015 www.whidbeyworkingartists.com
I will have my handmade papers, books, prints and painted and dyed textiles at Marcy Johnson Studio;. Directions: From Hwy 525 driving north to Freeland, go .08 miles from the signal at Fish Rd, turn right on Honeymoon Bay Rd. Drive 4 miles passing the lake on the left. Turn left on Honeymoon Lake Dr to #992. From Hwy 525 driving south, turn left on Classic Rd. Proceed 1 mile, turn right on Honeymoon Bay Rd. 1/2 mile to Honeymoon Lake Rd. Turn right to #992. 992 Honeymoon Lake Dr
“Paper Transformed”, An Exhibition at Northwind Art Center, Port Townsend
July3-26, 2015
“Paper Transformed” is an exhibition of the work of eight Western Washington artists who transform machine and handmade paper into artist books, sculpture, jewelry, baskets and other visual objects. Dona Anderson, Mary Ashton, Danielle Bodine, Zia Gipson, Lois James, Dorothy McGuinness, Jean-Marie Tarascio and Sande Wascher-James all use paper for its inherent infinitely malleable character, not just as a substrate for traditional artists’ media. To paraphrase philosopher and communication theorist Marshall McLuhan, Paper Transformed is an exhibition where “the paper is the medium and the message.”
July 4 5:30pm-8pm Opening Reception
2pm-5pm Hands on activity Magic Book Brochure
July 11 10am-4pm Adult workshop Paper Vessels w/ Danielle Bodine
July 12 1pm-2pm Artist Talks
2pm-4pm Kids Activities: Hands–on Papermaking w/ Mary Ashton
Wacky Baskets w/ Danielle Bodine
The exhibition and related programs will be held at Northwind Art Center in the Waterman Katz Building at 701 Water Street in downtown Port Townsend. Northwind Arts Center is open and staffed by volunteers Thursday – Monday: 11:30– 5pm.
Contact:Northwind Arts Center:701 Water Street, Port Townsend, WA 360-379-1086 info@northwindarts.org. Check www.northwindarts.org/ for more information.
January 3 – February 8 Drawings by Margaret Davidson at Sisko Gallery in Seattle http://siskogallery.com
Three of Margaret’s drawings are on my handmade papers. Thank you Margaret.
Puget Sound Book Arts Guild: